- 立ち入り禁止区域への侵入
- 樹木の枝を折る
- 喫煙
- 花火
- 危険物の持ち込み
- ゴミの置き去り
- ドローンやラジコン飛行機の使用
- ローラースケートやスケートボードの使用
- 署名活動、集会、デモ行為
- 旗や幕などを用いた宣伝活動
- 取材やインタビュー
- 境内への車両の乗り入れ
- 物品販売や施術
- チラシやパンフレットによる宣伝
- イベントやサークル活動
- 楽器の演奏
- 植物の採取
- 生き物の捕獲
☎️ 022-234-4964
To Our Visitors
Aoba Shrine values not only its deities but also the surrounding plants, animals, and the larger natural world. To ensure a pleasant visit for everyone, we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in observing the following guidelines.
Prohibited Activities
- Entering restricted areas
- Breaking branches from trees
- Smoking
- Fireworks
- Bringing hazardous materials
- Leaving trash behind
- Using drones or remote-controlled aircraft
- Using roller skates or skateboards
- Engaging in petition activities, gatherings, or demonstrations
- Conducting promotional activities with flags or banners
Activities Requiring Approval
- Interviews and media coverage
- Bringing vehicles onto the shrine grounds
- Selling goods or providing services
- Distributing flyers or pamphlets
- Hosting events or group activities
- Playing musical instruments
- Collecting plants
- Capturing animals
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Aoba Shrine office.
☎️ 022-234-4964
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.